I can't wait to go back to Northern Uganda. The world has rallied around bringing aid and attention to this region, and we are seeing change. I went to Gulu in the summer of '06 and then again in the summer of '07. On my second trip I was amazed to see the economic growth that had taken place in just 11 months: 3 banks had been built when there had previously been none in Gulu, buses to Juba ran daily, and there was substantial amounts of foreign investment throughout the city. Peace has remained in Uganda, and their economic growth has continued as the DRC has experienced the wrath of the LRA. But we all hope and pray that this has now come to end.
I’m writing
5 days ago
That is great news. It will be cause for celebration for sure if this is the end for Koni and the LRA!
Awesome news. It was good to talk to you today.
I am excited about the potential for good news here. But the super cynic in me agrees with your cynical side: "i'll believe it when I see it." Perhaps even: "I'll believe it when I see it, its been a week, and we're still getting good news." Then, I'll believe it. But, I'll temper my cynic and hold my breath for success in the DRC.
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